Monday 8 March 2021

A new beginning

I’m going for a bit of a rebrand, here. I was umming and aahing over a few different ideasUntil I finally realised really, I love pulp. I love mad old horror films, grainy monster flicks, kung-fu movies with dubious dubbing, creepy gothics and some of the craziest stuff that World Cinema has to offer. Since I have accumulated something of a collection now, I have access to more films than I would’ve done before, I feel that I can now actually commit to doing this. You have to understand that the actual availability of many of these titles was very limited, up until very recently. I will try to avoid spoilers if absolutely necessary, and there will be a fair amount of humour sprinkled throughout because that’s my style. I’m not reviewing these because I want to tell you how bad they are, although I am going to cover some pretty bad movies. It’s because they are genuinely interesting, all representing a strange corner of cult history with traits and features all their own.

That said, I’m also going to be honest. If I don’t like a film I will tell you that I don’t like it, and I will not give films excuses just because they are on the aged side,  or have extremely low budgets. These will be taken into consideration, obviously I’m not going to compare the special effects of films made in the 80s to a film made in the 60s. All I mean is, that if a film has age badly, that has to be confronted head-on.Whether it be special effects or sexual politics, it’s kind of cowardly to ignore the shortcomings of films just because you feel precious about them.Then again the other reason I’m doing this is to share a passion. I’ve always been fond of these kind of movies, whether they be good or bad, I think some of these could do with more recognition. Admittedly there are a number of cult fans who probably won't piss in my direction,But then those who do will hopefully except these reviews as what they are – I loving tribute to the weirdest stuff in cinema. Let’s enter the Cult Room.

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